Around this same time last year, I had the opportunity to climb Mt. Banahaw for the very first time. They said it was a mystical mountain, where miracles could happen, and I personally believe that it's a place where answers are revealed. By I do not recall my first journey as a mystical one. I remember it as one so heavy and so tiring.
Just yesterday, I had the chance to revisit Banahaw. This time, I was ready. I knew what was in store for me and this time, I could say, I survived it with a smile.
It's almost a year since I last visited Mt. Banahaw. In this second visit, we just went through some spots in the first complex (Sta. Lucia) of the mountain.
I will always remember the journey through Husgado (cave) and the climb up to the Kalbaryo. I am thankful to the company of good friends who were there with me in this year's journey. The presence of these people made all the difference.
Some lessons I learned this year:
1.The people you journey with matter.
As I just mentioned above, the people you choose to journey with, the people who come your way, the people who merely stop by can make and break one's journey. For this adventure, they were the blessings sent from above. Their mere presence made the journey lighter, more fun and more exciting. Their voices, their stories, their laughter, all these made each step, each scratch, each moment worth it.
I remember getting stuck in a certain angle inside the Husgado cave. Looking back at last year, I entered and went out with the sad attitude of just 'getting through the cave and wanting all of it end the soonest'. This time, I went through the cave without much apprehension, but with still with certain doubts and yet a joyful anticipation. But having my friends there made it better. You can hear them watching, looking out, looking back. They made sure I got through. They told me to relax when I was about to panic, they did not leave me. Their presence gave a certain warmth to the cold and dark cave. And for all those, I would always be grateful.
2.Look ahead and look back.
As we go on our ways, it is important to see where we are headed. There are moments when you just have to see the road ahead of you. But don't forget to look back. Don't forget where you have been. Once in a while take a look at what you have gone through, so when and if you head that way again, you will definitely know what to do. Remember the step if you can, or remember the feeling brought about by that step.
3.Once in a while, take a pause. Enjoy where you are.

4. God walked the earth for sinners like me. I will be a bit spiritual in this item. They say that in going through the Husgado, one's sinfulness can be weighed by the number of bruises and scratches one gets after getting out and through the cave. They also say that going up the Kalbaryo is like journeying with Christ on His Way to the Cross. After going through that, (and yes, I ended up with lots of scratches), and after climbing up and reaching the top and seeing the three crosses, it hits me, “ang Diyos ay pumasaatin sa lupa para sa kagaya kong makasalanan (God walked the earth for sinners like me)”. And aren't we just blessed that He did walk the earth just like us and for us. If He got through Calvary and lived again, so could we.

So if you ask me if the climb was tiring, if it was challenging, if it took a lot of physical strength from the person, my answers to all these would be yes. But each drop of sweat lost, each scratch inflicted, each step made was worth it. Each encounter was a moment for reflection, a moment for revelation.
If my first trip to Banahaw allowed me to see the worst I could be, this second trip allowed me to see the other side of that. It allowed me to see that “I could”. It allowed me to say “I made it, I survived” and this time, with a smile.
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